My first post..well hi everyone! I have lots of thoughts running inside my crazy brain right now, ill gather them first and then I'll show them to all of you one by one. so please look forward to those posts. So what do you expect me to post? I'll blog anything under my world ( i sound so conceited?).
I currently am taking up my degree in Information Technology, my geeky alter ego. and no my blog won't be containing any of the latest techie in the market (unless I feel like posting it). Instead I'll use this as my outlet and let my love for make up be known to the world (teehee).I'm a newbie in the make up world, currently I am addicted to Korean & Japanese cosmetics especially when it comes to their wonderful lines of skin care.. well its no wonder our its making waves here in our country.
Well folks, that's it for now. I don't wanna bore you with my uber boring biography..tata!